
Money Management Skills

Are you getting up early each morning for work? Getting to work and doing your job to the best of your ability? Just so you can live paycheck to paycheck. Let’s talk about some ways we can help improve this problem. If someone is living paycheck to paycheck, they might have bad money management skills or not making enough money. We’ll focus on money management skills this time but if after this you’re still paycheck to paycheck you might need a part time job. I’ll give you some tips and break them down for you on money management skills.

Tracking your spending

* Tracking your spending

  This will help improve your finances so much because you can see where your money is going. You may be eating out too much and not even realizing it. You might have too many subscriptions plans and can do without a few of them. Spending too much on a girlfriend or boyfriend is another sneaky one.

Monthly budget

* Monthly budget

  When you’re coming up with your monthly budget try and be as realistic as possible. Don’t say you’re going to cut back on how much you spend on food to 75 dollars a month. Just say you’ll go from eating out 4 times a week to 2 times a week. Small things like this will make a big difference.


* Savings

  With all your cutbacks you should have some money left over. With all that extra money you should put it right into your savings account. Extra money in your savings account is extra money in your pocket.

Paying your bills

* Paying your bills

  Paying your bills on time at the end of the month. It looks great on your credit. In fact, put your bills on an automatic payment plan from a credit card and pay off your credit card at the end of the month. Sit back and watch your credit score go up.

Investment strategy

* Investment strategy

With some of the money you save on cut backs put it towards investments. Say you save 50 dollars a month. Take 25 dollars put it in savings, 25 dollars into investments. With the right investments you can be set for life my friends.


  Try following these steps for a few months my friends and see if anything changes. If you like the change that you see, stick with it. These steps should improve your financial issues. This should help you from living paycheck to paycheck. And set you up for a better future.